Open a Terminal Shell emulator window Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)
Download Latest Spring Tool Suite IDE for Linux:
Spring Tool Suite tar.gz 32/64bit
Extracting Spring Tool Suite
Double-Click on Archive and Extract into /tmp
Or from Shell:
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/spring-tool-suite*tar.gz -C /tmp/
How-to Install Recommended Oracle Java JDK on Ubuntu:
Install Oracle JDK 7+ for Ubuntu
Provide to Set also the $JAVA_HOME Environment Variable!
Relocating Spring Tool Suite Bundle
sudo mv ~/Downloads/sts-bundle /opt/
Symlinking Spring Tool Suite Binary
sudo su -c "ln -s /opt/sts-bundle/sts-3.6.4.RELEASE/STS /usr/local/bin/STS"
Open a Terminal Shell emulator window Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
typing "STS" in promft and then execute Spring Tool Suit.